Advanced Veterinary Specialists
Chocolate Toxicity: 10 Facts
Toxic Substances
The ingredients that pose toxicity in chocolate are theobromine and caffeine, which are both categorized into a group of compounds called methylxanthines.
Why is my Dog Coughing?
There are multiple reasons a dog may cough. In younger and middle-aged dogs, a disease known as Kennel Cough is very common and highly infectious between dogs.
Leptospirosis and Your Pet
Pests and Parasites
Leptospirosis, or Lepto for short, is a worldwide bacteria found in the environment that can infect animals and people.
Pancreatitis in Dogs
Diseases and Viruses
The pancreas is an organ within the abdomen and serves many important functions.
Addison’s Disease – or Hypoadrenocorticism
Diseases and Viruses
Addison’s disease, also known as hypoadrenocorticism, is a disorder of the adrenal glands resulting in insufficient levels of stress hormone (cortisol) and, typically, electrolyte balancing hormone (aldosterone).
Pain Medications and Your Pet
Thankfully, an old-fashioned notion that animals do not feel pain in a way comparable to humans is fading from our society.
Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats
Diseases and Viruses
In chronic kidney disease, the kidneys have been damaged to a point where they can no longer concentrate their urine appropriately, which leads to numerous clinical signs.
Ear Infections – What’s the Deal?
Diseases and Viruses
Infections do not occur spontaneously – there is typically an underlying disease that allows them to occur.
Cholecalciferol – A Different Rodenticide Toxicity
Toxic Substances
This is one of the most dangerous mouse and rat poisons on the market.
Introducing The Brodie Fund
The Broadie Fund is a registered nonprofit (501c3) that offers financial assistance, through grants, to families in need of a pet fighting cancer. They lovingly call it “Giving the Gift of Time”.
Heatstroke: 10 Points
Elevated body temperature caused by environmental factors is called heatstroke, hyperthermia, or heat prostration.
Pet Poison Awareness
Toxic Substances
Our homes contain dozens of common items that may pose a danger to our pets.
Snakebite 101
There is an abundance of advice on the internet describing a variety of first aid techniques to employ if your pet is bitten by a snake.
Recognizing Signs of Heart Disease in Pets
Diseases and Viruses
Early detection of heart disease in pets can be pivotal in any pet’s long-term prognosis and the initial detection often occurs at home.
Protecting Your Pet from Common Choking Hazards
Veterinary professionals often see emergencies in which pets are rushed in due to choking on toys or treats. Sometimes the obstruction can be successfully removed, and the pet’s airway restored; other times it’s too late to save a pet by the time they arrive at the hospital.
What is Feline Asthma?
Oftentimes cats with asthma have difficulty breathing because the constricted airways do not allow for enough air to enter into the lungs.